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Sunday, February 16, 2020

Sonic The Hedgehog: Jim Carrey steals the show!

When it comes to video game films Hollywood has a poor track record of delivering a decent adaptation to the fans. Sonic the Hedgehog is a live action movie based on the game of the same name. As a kid I played sonic day in and day out for the longest time and when this movie was announced I was excited to say the least. That is however until the first initial pictures and trailers came out. The design team on this film had tried to bring sonic to life and based on the reactions of every fan and non fan alike they were displeased.

As you can see the image on the left is from before the redesign. And that is not the sonic I grew up playing. One thing that I will give the studio credit for doing is listening to the fans. More often than not when something like this gets bad press the studio does nothing to change the problem. Paramount listened to the audience and made the necessary changes and because of this I believe it changed the movie in a dramatic way.

Sonic The Hedgehog is a good, fun family film. Like all films it has its problems which I will talk about later on. However there is more to love about this film than there is to dislike. This movie delivers a nostalgic feel without hammering you over the head with it. For all the adults who grew up with sonic you will enjoy this film because it stays true to the source material and it doesn't try to be anything its not. There are many laugh out loud moments, it was not a quiet theater for me all of the children and adults were laughing throughout the entire film. 

While the character sonic was very funny it is Jim Carrey as Dr. Robotnik that steals the show.  This performance feels like a throwback 90s Jim Carrey who is over the top but in the best ways. This is great for the movie because it is easy for the kids to love the character and also the adults who remember the old Jim Carrey movies like Ace Ventura and The Mask. It can be difficult for children's movies to reach the older audiences but Sonic hits the nail on the head.

Now I did have a few issues with this film. For instance during the middle of this film the pacing gets a little slow when the two main characters go on a road trip. While there are still fun moments this part of the film felt off when watching it. It is also around this part of the film that the writers tried to put a conflict between the protagonists. The problem with this is it felt very forced like the only reason they put it in the film was because they had to. The conflict was not very unique in fact it was a bit contrived. However I enjoyed the way they resolved it towards the end of the film.  The End of the film was one of if not the best part of the whole movie. And make sure to stick around after the credits for a universe building moment.

Overall Sonic is a good movie that the whole family will enjoy and in my opinion has a high re watch ability factor. Is it the best video game adaptation no but it is one that I greatly enjoyed. I suggest you watch the film and see for yourselves. Out of 10 I rank this film 7.7, comment below and tell me your thoughts on the film, what were your favorite parts and performances?

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