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Tuesday, January 14, 2020

The Batman: Can it put D.C back on the Right Path?

Right now it is hard to be a D.C movie fan. While they have had some sporadic success throughout the decades, D.C has had many flops and as well and currently have failed to set up a coherent connected universe like their rivals at Marvel. It pains me to say this because growing up and even still to this day I have always been more interested in the D.C comic characters, to watch them crash and burn so often makes it difficult to have hope. 

Yet again they seem to be trying to reverse their losing streak by bringing the cape crusader The Batman to the screen yet again. What bothers me as a fan is the fact that D.C has so many interesting characters to choose from but instead they decide to take on the task of making another batman movie. Robert Patterson makes the 7th person to take on the mantle of Batman on the big screen and while I have reserved judgement on the company choosing him as their lead until I have seen the first trailer.

There are a few things they are going to have to address in order to make this movie a part of the current D.C cinematic universe. First off what happened to Ben Affleck as Batman? Is this movie a prequel or perhaps is it someone other than Bruce Wayne who becomes the dark knight? They need to establish where this movie is placed in the continuity of the universe. Aside from this The Batman needs to do something even more important which is to bring Batman back to its roots. When I say this I mean it should be simple, not muddled with tons of characters preparing for movies 10 years down the line. It also needs a compelling story that feels like Batman. For once can we see the Detective actually use his intellect to solve a case. In my opinion this movie should feel like a run from the detective comics books.

The Batman has only just begun filming so as time goes on we will learn more about what this movie is about and the context it is in. As updates come out I will continue to break down the information and review how I feel about it compared to other Batman films but also compare it to what I believe this Batman could be. There is so much potential for this film which excites me.

Stay tuned for more on The Batman, Wonder woman 1984, Birds of Prey and much more. Comment below how you feel about this movie, what your hopes are, and if you could make your dream batman movie what would the plot be?

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