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Sunday, January 5, 2020

Will Smith and Tom Holland, Spies In Disguise Movie Review

The other night my girlfriend and I had decided to take her son to the movies. Of the three of us I was the only one who was unaware of the new kids film "Spies In Disguise" which had been released a week prior. To my surprise this film had some major talent in the leading roles. For example Will Smith leading as Agent Lance Sterling and Tom Holland co staring as the hug loving scientist/inventor, Walter Beckett. 

Near the beginning of the film when the audience is introduced to Smith's character Lance Sterling we see the attitude and philosophy he has regarding his job. He is the best at it, he works alone and he can solve everything through violence. This is the opposite of Hollands Character Walter who believes that he can change the world with niceness. This films offers some important lessons for children and reminds us adults that in a world full of violence and hate, being nice can make a major difference. 

In the build up to the climax the main characters are taken on a journey while on the run from the Internal Affairs character played by Rashida Jones. This movie delivers lots of laughter as will Smith is transformed into a pigeon and is forced to work with the quirky Walter. You can imagine it would be difficult to do your job as a secret agent when you are a talking bird. Overall I believe that Blue Sky Animation has delivered yet another fun loving film that will leave your family with a happy feeling and an interesting perspective on how to deal with problems in our lives.

I give this movie a 7.5/10 

Comment Below if you have seen the film and what you thought about it. 

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