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Sunday, February 16, 2020

Sonic The Hedgehog: Jim Carrey steals the show!

When it comes to video game films Hollywood has a poor track record of delivering a decent adaptation to the fans. Sonic the Hedgehog is a live action movie based on the game of the same name. As a kid I played sonic day in and day out for the longest time and when this movie was announced I was excited to say the least. That is however until the first initial pictures and trailers came out. The design team on this film had tried to bring sonic to life and based on the reactions of every fan and non fan alike they were displeased.

As you can see the image on the left is from before the redesign. And that is not the sonic I grew up playing. One thing that I will give the studio credit for doing is listening to the fans. More often than not when something like this gets bad press the studio does nothing to change the problem. Paramount listened to the audience and made the necessary changes and because of this I believe it changed the movie in a dramatic way.

Sonic The Hedgehog is a good, fun family film. Like all films it has its problems which I will talk about later on. However there is more to love about this film than there is to dislike. This movie delivers a nostalgic feel without hammering you over the head with it. For all the adults who grew up with sonic you will enjoy this film because it stays true to the source material and it doesn't try to be anything its not. There are many laugh out loud moments, it was not a quiet theater for me all of the children and adults were laughing throughout the entire film. 

While the character sonic was very funny it is Jim Carrey as Dr. Robotnik that steals the show.  This performance feels like a throwback 90s Jim Carrey who is over the top but in the best ways. This is great for the movie because it is easy for the kids to love the character and also the adults who remember the old Jim Carrey movies like Ace Ventura and The Mask. It can be difficult for children's movies to reach the older audiences but Sonic hits the nail on the head.

Now I did have a few issues with this film. For instance during the middle of this film the pacing gets a little slow when the two main characters go on a road trip. While there are still fun moments this part of the film felt off when watching it. It is also around this part of the film that the writers tried to put a conflict between the protagonists. The problem with this is it felt very forced like the only reason they put it in the film was because they had to. The conflict was not very unique in fact it was a bit contrived. However I enjoyed the way they resolved it towards the end of the film.  The End of the film was one of if not the best part of the whole movie. And make sure to stick around after the credits for a universe building moment.

Overall Sonic is a good movie that the whole family will enjoy and in my opinion has a high re watch ability factor. Is it the best video game adaptation no but it is one that I greatly enjoyed. I suggest you watch the film and see for yourselves. Out of 10 I rank this film 7.7, comment below and tell me your thoughts on the film, what were your favorite parts and performances?

The Batman 2021 Test Footage!

Matt Reeves 2021 film The Batman has been getting  lots of attention after test footage was released of Robert Pattinson as the caped crusader. This footage was released in similar fashion as the Joker. As you may remember when the Joker was first announced many were weary about what they were going to get from the story but as from the performance by Joaquin Phoenix. Once the first test footage was released it helped ease the minds of the fans and also create more excitement leading up to the release of the film.

One of the more interesting aspects of the footage released was the music featured. The music is dark and eerie and makes me think of noir style films. It may seem like a bit of a leap but based off the music and comments the director has made I believe this batman film will be a much more crime focused film. Showing us the detective side of batman that we have only been able to see in the comics. As a fan of both the comics and the previous renditions of batman, I am excited to finally see a batman film were his crime solving talents are on full display.

There are a few other pieces of information that have been released that have given us a more in depth understanding of what kind of batman we are going to get. The first is that this film will take place within the first 2 years of Bruce Wayne as batman. we can infer then that this batman will be less experienced which is the opposite of the batman we got from Ben Affleck, who was a seasoned veteran having battled many of his notorious Gotham enemies already. Also it is said that his bat symbol is made out of the metal from the gun that had been used to murder his parents. This idea was taken right out of the comics. Although this is a small detail it is a nice touch to show they are taking their ideas right from the source material.

One of the aspects of the test footage that seems to be catching the eyes of the fans is the batsuit. Over the course of batman's long film history there have been many different styles and designs of the batsuit. Obviously the new footage hasn't shown us the full suit but from what they have let us see it looks like the suit is similar to the suit from the game Arkham Knight. This idea could change drastically once the full suit design is released but for now that is the closest comparison I can make. It seems as if The Batman is off to a hot start making batman fans worldwide excited and compelled to see this film.

Comment below your thoughts on the footage and if this makes you more excited to see the film!

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Once Upon A Time In Hollywood

Once upon A Time In Hollywood had lots of hype when it first came out but for some reason it took me quite a while to get around to seeing the film. When it comes to Quentin Tarantino his movies are usually either a hit or miss for me. There are certain elements that he implements which I believe are fantastic and game changing from a film standpoint but at other times after watching a few of his films I leave feeling confused or unsatisfied. In the case of Once Upon A Time In Hollywood I feel that all the hype is well deserved.

This film takes place in the late 1960s and follows a rough actor trying to keep his career alive and his stuntman turned driver who tags along with him. I am young having been born in the 90s so I cannot understand how accurate this film portrays the 1960s but based off of the music, the scenery, the language and the famous characters who appear in small parts it makes me believe I am in the 60s. One of the most creative elements Tarantino implements is taking Leonardo Dicaprio's character, Rick Dalton and using some creative technology to put him into real films and TV shows like The Great Escape, Bounty Law and FBI. It adds to the realism and allows all of us as audience members to believe that Rick Dalton was a real actor of the time.

Online it seems as though there are two major gripes with the film which I believe are both unwarranted. The first is the way he portrays Bruce Lee. Growing up and still to this day I am a major Bruce Lee fan thanks to my father. Some of my fondest memories are watching movies like Enter the Dragon and Fist of Fury together. For those of you who have not seen the film SPOLIER ALERT. While on the set of a movie Brad Pitt's character is watching and waiting for his time to fill in as the stuntman. On the set Bruce Lee is talking about how great he is and how he could defeat the great Mohammad Ali in a fight. To make the story short Bruce and Cliff Booth end up in a fight where Cliff wins. Many people had problems with this because it makes Bruce Lee look like a cocky jerk and the fact he gets kind of beat up by Brad Pitt. The reason this doe not bother me as a Bruce fan is that Tarantino is known for making a parody of different real life people and events. Also the reason Cliff Booth can beat him in a fight is because he isn't actually a real person. Tarantino can make his character win or lose any fight he wants.

The other issue some had with the film is the seemingly small role Margot Robbie plays as Sharon Tate. On this topic I do not understand the displeasure people had at all. This film is not about Sharon Tate or trying to tell her story. Tarantino uses the character as an uplifting piece that helps the film flow better and it also helps set up tension and context for the Charles Manson cameo. All of the actors did a fantastic job throughout the film which is why Tarantino tends to work with the same actors.

As Tarantino does he sets up the movie so with hints and clues that cause suspense, in this instance we are shown Charles Manson who shows up at Sharon Tate's house. By the end of the film it seems as if we are going to see real events unfold. Instead Tarantino does what he does best and changes history a bit. What would have happened if the loudmouth actor Rick Dalton and ex military stuntman Cliff Booth lived next door to Sharon Tate. History changes and we get some amazing performance from our main characters which really shows why this movie was up for so many awards at this years oscars.

After watching this I realized how sad it was that I was so late to watching this film. This film was fun, exiting, suspenseful, creative and had one of the best soundtracks I have heard in a while. For any of you who were like me and hesitant to watch the film I tell you now watch it when you can. The almost 3 hour films fly's by and by the end you will wish you could see more. I give this film a 9.0 out of 10 not just because the film is well done but also for its re-watch ability.

Comment how you felt about the film, favorite parts etc and did you have any feelings one way or the other regarding the Bruce Lee scene

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

The Batman: Can it put D.C back on the Right Path?

Right now it is hard to be a D.C movie fan. While they have had some sporadic success throughout the decades, D.C has had many flops and as well and currently have failed to set up a coherent connected universe like their rivals at Marvel. It pains me to say this because growing up and even still to this day I have always been more interested in the D.C comic characters, to watch them crash and burn so often makes it difficult to have hope. 

Yet again they seem to be trying to reverse their losing streak by bringing the cape crusader The Batman to the screen yet again. What bothers me as a fan is the fact that D.C has so many interesting characters to choose from but instead they decide to take on the task of making another batman movie. Robert Patterson makes the 7th person to take on the mantle of Batman on the big screen and while I have reserved judgement on the company choosing him as their lead until I have seen the first trailer.

There are a few things they are going to have to address in order to make this movie a part of the current D.C cinematic universe. First off what happened to Ben Affleck as Batman? Is this movie a prequel or perhaps is it someone other than Bruce Wayne who becomes the dark knight? They need to establish where this movie is placed in the continuity of the universe. Aside from this The Batman needs to do something even more important which is to bring Batman back to its roots. When I say this I mean it should be simple, not muddled with tons of characters preparing for movies 10 years down the line. It also needs a compelling story that feels like Batman. For once can we see the Detective actually use his intellect to solve a case. In my opinion this movie should feel like a run from the detective comics books.

The Batman has only just begun filming so as time goes on we will learn more about what this movie is about and the context it is in. As updates come out I will continue to break down the information and review how I feel about it compared to other Batman films but also compare it to what I believe this Batman could be. There is so much potential for this film which excites me.

Stay tuned for more on The Batman, Wonder woman 1984, Birds of Prey and much more. Comment below how you feel about this movie, what your hopes are, and if you could make your dream batman movie what would the plot be?

Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Mr. Rogers: A Beautiful Day in The Neighborhood

Mr. Rogers was a interesting, complex man who for decades changed millions of kids lives. Like most I remember being introduced to the sweater wearing teacher when I was a child. Fred Rogers tv show did something that no other had done. Its main goal was to communicate adult issues to kids and to help them understand and deal with their feelings. Given my personal connection, I had relatively high expectations going into this movie.

This movie is based on the real article "Can You Say...Hero?" written by journalist Tom Junod. Although this movie is centered around Mr. Rogers the real main character is a journalist who is tasked with writing and article about the man behind the Mr. Rogers show. The journalist played by Matthew Rhys is shown to have a troubled past due to the fact his mother died and his father was never there for him. When Fred and the journalist meet, Fred seems to make it his mission to help him sort through his issues. Although this movie tackles some heavy topics it does a very good job of inspiring, creating laughter and allowing the audience to see who Fred Rogers is through the eyes of another.

One of the best moments of the film is when the two main characters are on the train. A few of the younger people recognize who Fred Rogers is and they begin to sing the opening song to the Mr. Rogers Show. This scene is a great representation of the impact this show has had on the kids of America for so many years. Tom Hanks delivers what I believe to be an Oscar worthy performance by the way he accurately portrays Rogers soft tone of voice and little mannerisms. As I mentioned, going into this movie I had high expectations and I was not disappointed. 

I give this movie an 9/10.  If any of you have seen the film comment below your thoughts, also comment your first memory of seeing Mr. Rogers

If you want to watch the trailer to this movie click the link below

Sunday, January 5, 2020

Will Smith and Tom Holland, Spies In Disguise Movie Review

The other night my girlfriend and I had decided to take her son to the movies. Of the three of us I was the only one who was unaware of the new kids film "Spies In Disguise" which had been released a week prior. To my surprise this film had some major talent in the leading roles. For example Will Smith leading as Agent Lance Sterling and Tom Holland co staring as the hug loving scientist/inventor, Walter Beckett. 

Near the beginning of the film when the audience is introduced to Smith's character Lance Sterling we see the attitude and philosophy he has regarding his job. He is the best at it, he works alone and he can solve everything through violence. This is the opposite of Hollands Character Walter who believes that he can change the world with niceness. This films offers some important lessons for children and reminds us adults that in a world full of violence and hate, being nice can make a major difference. 

In the build up to the climax the main characters are taken on a journey while on the run from the Internal Affairs character played by Rashida Jones. This movie delivers lots of laughter as will Smith is transformed into a pigeon and is forced to work with the quirky Walter. You can imagine it would be difficult to do your job as a secret agent when you are a talking bird. Overall I believe that Blue Sky Animation has delivered yet another fun loving film that will leave your family with a happy feeling and an interesting perspective on how to deal with problems in our lives.

I give this movie a 7.5/10 

Comment Below if you have seen the film and what you thought about it.